Photoshop is an amazing tool! I can be used to make simple corrections (like this picture of me to the left, from full color to black and white, and my isn't it stunning!)

Photoshop can also be used to create multiple elements (like this picture from the mirage band website) There are multiple elements being used. such as

Multi layering and cropping - There are several images of the band and wedding guests that be seen in this "1" photograph

Multi effects - Black and white, as well as movement affects (see the 'swoosh of color in top left and bottom left)
Photoshop can also be used to create several elements, and every good photographer should be comfortable using them all. This tutorial on youtube has been very helpful to me and it's funny! Enjoy!




Currently I am interning at Utah Events By Design. Part of my internship requires that I assist and help with the online and social marketing. As part of this class assignment I will be looking at the AIDA for www.utaheventsbydesign.com home page.

A - Attention

The Attention comes with the brand name right in the center, and the beautiful pictures, the giant award at the bottom publishing their award of 'Best In State' is also a a great attention getter.

I - Interest

There are many facets to the interest in this page. The color scheme, design, and navigation tool create the browsers interest by asking the questions, "What is Utah Events by Design?" or, "How can I learn more?"

D - Desire

Any bride or event coordinator is always drawn to one thing. Image. The huge pictures of an elegant and obviously trendy, chic, and artful photographs is what creates the huge desire for the potential client.

A - Action

The drawback to this homepage is the lack of action. There are two links from the home page titled ABOUT and CONTACT that draw the potential client to action. Perhaps if there was more purchasing information or better pricing knowledge it would bring more action to Utah Events By Design